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Monday 13 November 2017


Photo by Gades Photography on Unsplash

It sucks (the life out of you).

Being unemployed properly for the first time and spending my days searching for, bookmarking, and applying for jobs is not an experience that I would welcome back with open arms. Since resigning from my last position in late August and then moving down South and becoming officially unemployed in late September, my days have been filled to the brim with Indeed, Reed, Jobsite, and more. Having nothing else on my agenda than finding my dream job gave me plenty of time to search for roles that really excited me, but it also gave me plenty of time to sit around refreshing my emails and waiting for the phone to ring...

The catch 22 is that I was saddled with masses of time yet running out of money. Moving to a new area and wanting to explore, autumn walks became my go-to pastime. Travelling into London and seeing the sights was few and far between and I placed myself on a spending ban (which I obviously broke, I'm not an angel).

And don't even get me started on recruiters. After two months of unemployment and three of job hunting, my experience with recruiters has been anything but positive. Whether I met with them to discuss my options for them to then ignore my emails, been the most excited person on the planet about my CV to then never contact me again when I didn't enjoy the interview they'd set up for me, or hounded me for days on the phone to put me forward for a role and then never get back to me, I would definitely be cautious before going through a recruiter in the future. I'm sure that there are genuine recruiters out there that care about you as much as they care about their clients but I have been very unlucky on that front.

I am extremely happy and excited to announce that, starting next Monday, my employment will be reinstated! Working for a company that really values its employees and a role that I feel I can really excel in has been worth the hellish three month wait. Do you have any experiences of unemployment to share? Or any comments, positive or negative, about working with recruiters? Feel free to leave me a comment below!

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